Check out utilities and find Excel demonstrations adaptable to different uses. Provides contact details.
Provides group reporting and budgeting tools using standard Excel spreadsheets for small companies.
Offers Web-based applications that can be used to solve risk and decision-analysis problems. Includes sample simulations.
Software program recovers damaged or corrupt Excel files, in all versions including Windows 95, 97, 2000 and NT. Download a free trial.
Delivers data recovery software that fixes corrupted or damaged Excel spreadsheet files. Get free downloads.
Presents a time-series forecasting add-in. View a demonstration and download files.
Provides businesses with financial reporting add-ins for spreadsheets. Get sample reports and an interactive tour on various services offered.
Provides tools for use in business forecasting, as well as statistical time-series engine add-ins.
Process and store paper-form documents into electronic workbooks in Microsoft Excel. Demo version is time-restricted.
Microsoft Excel 97 users will be able to digitize charts and retrieve the original data using this software.
Presents the key features of spreadsheet add-ons. Read customer comments and find ordering information.
Develops software applications for decision and risk analysis, Monte Carlo simulation and optimization. All are add-ins to Excel.
Scaled-down Windows-compatible spreadsheet application offers a free alternative to Microsoft Excel. Download executables and source code.
Locate custom add-ins for Microsoft Office and find shareware and freeware Excel Add-ins.