Rochester, NY-based computer information and data exchange supports users of Mac and Mac-compatibles. Offers education, demos and discussions.
Fairbanks, Alaska user group focusing on Macintosh and Apple II systems offers sign-up instructions and resources for novice users.
Tools and files for network managers with five to 50,000 Macs. ANMA has chapters in Seattle, Palo Alto and Toronto. Read membership information.
Nonprofit club in Jefferson City, Missouri, offers members a newsletter, technical assistance, and monthly meetings.
Central Indiana nonprofit educational organization benefits members through a bulletin board, a disk of the month and a monthly newsletter.
Arkansas Macintosh usergroup offers monthly meetings, a help desk and links to related topics of interest.
Makers of BBS in a BOX and The Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM. Order copies, read the club newsletter or check the FTP archives.
Alabama Macintosh user group dedicated to educating and assisting its members. Offers meetings, a newsletter, libraries and other Mac links.
What did you expect of the world's largest Mac user group? Rich with resources, it is a travel guide to the best Mac sites on the Web.
Baton Rouge Mac User Group helps members to use their systems more effectively. Hosts monthly meetings, and sponsors related events.
Michigan Mac club seeks to enlighten, entertain and educate users of the MacOS. Members may participate in events and vote in elections.
Nondenominational assembly uses Macintosh computers to assist in their personal, professional and spiritual lives.
Sydney-based organisation claiming to be Australia's largest Macintosh user group. View membership and contact information.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, organization holds a monthly meeting to share Mac-related knowledge, skills, stories and frustrations.
Boulder club welcomes both new and experienced Mac users to its monthly meetings. Offers product discounts, software demos and Apple news.
Hartford Mac user group meets monthly for product demos, a Q&A period and a raffle. Offers the Green Apples session for beginners.
Self-described Macintosh fanatics in Fort Worth, Texas, gather monthly to share, discuss and learn how Macs have changed their lives.
Seattle's Downtown Business User Group, an educational, nonprofit organization, offers members a resource center and a bulletin board.
Members of this Walnut Creek, California, club receive access to a bulletin board, discounted computer books and a monthly disk of freeware.
Provides information about Mac computing, and serves as a social and networking club for San Francisco Bay Area lesbians, gays and friends.
Hawaii Mac and Apple Users' Society provides computer technology information, as well as hardware and software solutions.
Archive of monthly newsletters and a BBS helps interested users get a feel for the nature of this group, which also features technical mentors.
Exists entirely on the Internet, and is dedicated to enhancing the use of Mac systems through the Global Community.
Lockheed Martin group offers extensive Macintosh data. Includes EvangeList postings from Guy Kawasaki, product information and MacAddict ezine.
Volunteer group of Mac enthusiasts serves the Louisville - Falls City region of Kentucky. Includes vendor list, SIG information and a newsletter.
Macintosh Chico Users Group provides a forum to share interest and knowledge. Offers members a library of software, books and tutorials.
Southeast Michigan association serves the Detroit metropolitan area. Includes a bulletin board, SIGs and a calendar of events.
Florida based MacMAD devotes itself to exploring the possibilities created by the Mac. Meets at restaurants for food, drink and discussion.
Official Macintosh User Group for the University of Notre Dame. Find newsletters, information, software and announcements of local happenings.
Nonprofit Internet Macintosh organization, devoted to creating a charitable, literary, scientific and educational society in cyberspace.
Nonprofit organization, sponsored by the Industrial Studies Department of Montclair State University, in New Jersey.
Informal association of Nebraska Mac lovers strives to get the best performance from their machines. Meetings are free and open to the public.
Costa Mesa, California-based Macintosh group offers a meeting schedule and presents topics for discussion. Investigate featured applications.
Florida club caters to new, as well as long-faithful Mac owners. Members can participate in auctions, or sell items in the classified section.
Club for enthusiasts based in Princeton University in New Jersey. Members share their interests, talents and skills.
Lesbian, gay and bisexual Mac user group for all of Los Angeles. Includes a software page, a calendar of events and monthly meetings.
Full-time learning organization holds monthly meetings, publishes an ezine, and posts classified advertisements.
Avery, Calif., association works to increase Macintosh computer and software knowledge. Offers links to helpful Mac information such as MacFixIt.
Small group of Macintosh enthusiasts based in Southern California encourages novices as well as power users to attend monthly meetings.
Serves the Piedmont area of South and North Carolina, with meetings held monthly on the Spartanburg campus. Offers tech support and freeware.
Offers extensive links to Apple products and news, links exclusively for kids, and phone support for members with technical problems.
Serves the northern Olympic Peninsula in Washington. Includes Mac-related articles, links to related topics and a troubleshooting page.
Chicago user group has been in existence since the birth of the Macintosh, in 1984. Explore discounts and special offers for members.
Resource for Mac devotees in Central North Carolina encourages owners of any Mac vintage to attend meetings, which are open to the public.
Livermore, California, club offers members access to an extensive library of books, CDs and MacAcademy training videos. Holds monthly meetings.
TUMS is a nonprofit group established in 1984. Check out a calendar of events, read the latest newsletter or attend a monthly meeting.
Tyler, Texas, club for Mac faithfuls was established in 1984, shortly after the Mac was released. Meetings include demos and a Q&A session.
Club for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, offers news about upcoming events, local resources and links to related subjects.
Virginia Mac Users Groups offers Apple news, rumors, and information. Includes links to MacInTouch ezine and other related topics.
International community of Apple product users, based in Rockville, Maryland. Extensive resources include a large bulletin board system.
Nonprofit group serves Wichita Falls and the surrounding communities. Includes places to chat, Apple related links and a web ring.