Based in Lafayette, Indiana, this band dresses up as an 18th century regiment called the Black Watch. Find sound clips of the pipes and drums.
Find out where and when the band is performing, review the band's history, inquire about lessons via email, and scan the roster.
Details the band's history, lists upcoming events, and provides photos. Check The Round Table newsletter for monthly updates.
Review the FAQs, performance calendar, sheet music samples, and member profiles regarding this band based in New York state.
"Long Island's premier pipe band" furnishes a group history, a meeting and performance calendar, membership details, and contact info.
Displays band members' clan crests, a performance schedule, photos, and a roster of the Georgia-based group.
Introduces this troupe of bagpipers, dancers, and drummers. Check out a photo album of their trip to Sicily to appear in the film "Tea With Mussolini."
Sacramento, California, Shriner's band introduces their membership, mission, history, uniforms, repertoire, performances, and contact info.
Royal Oak, Michigan, Highland bagpipe band details their membership, practices, and performances, and offers a few tips to other pipers.
Learn the history of this San Diego band, review competition results and find directions to the band's practice site.
Colorado pipers can find out how to join this Highland bagpipe ensemble, or check out a photo gallery, a performance calendar, and a musical repertoire.
Read a profile of the history, goals, and uniform of this group of Annapolis, Maryland, bagpipe players, or check out photos, a calendar, and membership info.
Locust Valley, Long Island, pipe and drum ensemble offers a profile, including a roster, a calendar, and photos, and details on the Westbury Gardens Highland Games.
Meet this Gaelic pipe and drum band and learn about their membership and activities, including the St. Patrick's Day Parade and instructional services.
Bagpipe corps furnishes meeting and membership info, photos from past events, a calendar, a list of awards, and bagpipe instruction details.
Listen to a sample of this New York band's music, view photographs from the 1930s to the present, and check the event schedule.
Fans of bagpipe music in the Indianapolis area will want to learn about this ensemble's membership, performances, and other activities.
Read a history of this Lansing and Muskegon, Michigan bagpipe ensemble, consult the calendar of events, browse the photo gallery, or explore related links.
Hawaiians who prefer the Highlands to the tropics can learn about the membership, history, activities, and performances of this Honolulu bagpipe and drum ensemble.
Examine the event schedule and a list of music sets for this bagpipe band from Swedesburg, Pennsylvania.
Official band of the Clan Keith explains its uniforms and traditions, provides links, and gives comprehensive instructions on piping.
Learn how this Indiana band got its name, listen to samples of bagpipe music, and scan the roster.
Learn about the band's history, download a sound clip, find competition results, and send email to the band members.
Send email to inquire about joining the band, view photos, check the event calendar, and find a form for ordering T-shirts and CDs.
Listen to old favorites like Danny Boy and When the Saints Go Marching In, read about the band's history, and view photos.
Chronicles the repertoire, equipment, history, and performance schedule of this Colorado Springs group.
Formed in 1990, this band is based in Dade County. View an event schedule, photos, and a roster.
Presents sound files, a roster, photos, a performance schedule, and a history of the New Jersey band.
Explore Melissa Hogan's fan tribute devoted to the Cape Breton Celtic band. See bios of its members and listen to tunes such as "Drunk at Night, Dry in the Morning."
Learn how the New Jersey band acquired its name, scan the event calendar, and view pictures of the band at parades and competitions.
Find dates and locations for upcoming events, sample the music, and view photographs of the band.
Survey concert announcements, photos from various competitions, rosters, and a history of the Pipes and Drums of the Brigade of Midshipmen.