Provides a background and analysis on arms control and disarmament, with a chronology of events and Parliamentary action.
Nonprofit organization promoting peace. Online centre provides resources, proposals, solutions and details regarding events and peace activists.
CISS provides a source of information and research for issues affecting Canada. Includes press releases and summaries of publications.
Electronic version of this magazine put out by the Department of National Defence in Ottawa. Offers policy analysis and reviews of defence books.
Delineates mission, workshop descriptions and schedules. Participate in message board and take a personal assessment test.
Researches, teaches, and publishes papers on foreign policy and strategic studies. Includes papers and details of current work.
Find a paper which briefly analyzes adjustments made to defence policy since the end of the Cold War. Published in 1993.
Find an article describing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and explaining its various roles and responsibilities.
Library of Parliament offers a paper titled "International Conflicts: Parliament, The National Defence Act, and the Decision to Participate".
Publication based out of University of Calgary reports on developments in strategic studies, including government critiques and policy debates.
Introduces users to the concepts and foundation of this discipline. Posts research tools, association contacts and course summaries.
Text of the government act that defines the role of the Minister of Defence and establishes the composition of the armed forces.
Presents details on structure incorporating member countries and features biographies and pictures of the current permanent representatives on the North Atlantic Council.
Access basic texts, fact sheets, a press archive, ministerial communiques, seminars, speeches and news articles. Find the NATO Review and a NATO Handbook.
Contains material covering a disclaimer, explanations of details on the Web site, email distribution services and specifics of NATO Integrated Data Service.
Based in Ottawa, locate research centres, events and publications. Research areas covered consist of Asia, Latin and North America and Europe.
Read a history of the Communications Security Establishment, and its current mandate and a vague description of its operations.
Research body disseminates Canadian security and defence resources to the academic communities and to the general public.
Centre for Defence & Security Studies encourages debate and research into defence issues. Info on their research papers and staff.
Read about the manner in which this centre administers its classes from Conrad Grebal College or contact the director via email.
Wilfrid Laurier University institute, founded in 1991, that researches military history and strategy. Find details of the journal online.
Conducts research into Canadian security, develops policy, and holds seminars on defence and related issues. With list of working papers.