Profiles the life and work of one of the chief architects of the gothic revival, best known for his design for the Houses of Parliament.
Discover common characteristics of this American architectural style. Includes a link to the Clarke House in Chicago.
Browse an extensive image gallery of American architecture in the Greek Revival style of the early 19th century.
Learn about manifestations of Neoclassical architecture in England and Scotland. Courtesy of Boston College.
Outlines characteristics of the style, with diagrams labeling entablature, an ionic column and pilaster.
Introduces this civil engineer responsible for introducing architecture as a profession to the U.S., and associated with the Greek revival style.
Learn about this style of architecture which revived Greek forms, and which was popular in the United States in both the 19th and 20th centuries.
Offers a look at the Greek Revival style of architecture. Find a link to Hammerwood Park to see examples of the style.
Learn about the American architect and engineer who was a major proponent of Greek revival in the early nineteenth century.
Learn about the Greek Revival strain of Neoclassical architecture through an examination of Burlington, Vermont's Follett House.