Offers a profile of the 16th century anatomist who revealed the workings of the human body, notably the female reproductive organs.
Highlights the sex researcher's life and career as an advocate for human rights and tolerance of sexual difference.
Notes the publication of Hossli's two-volume work defending sex between males, which drew from antique references such as the Greek classics.
Outlines Krafft-Ebing's study of sexual variations, "Psychopathia Sexualis," which remained an influential text until the appearance of Freud.
Offers an illustrated biography of the 19th century figure who campaigned for tolerance of homosexuals, whom he termed Uranians.
Offers a profile of the German figure who put forth the first theories of homosexuality in the modern era.
Find a review of a translation of Ulrichs works that compares the author's ideas on homosexuality with Walt Whitman's.
Offers a list of bibliographic and Web resources on the 19th-century advocate of homosexual rights.
Provides excerpts of the 19th-century writer's texts. Link to a collection of "Uranian" manuscripts.
Offers a list of links to resources related to the first known gay activist, including translations of his writings, and data on his life.
Profiles the 16th-century reorganizer of the study of human anatomy, who came into conflict with the Inquisition.