Dissertation examines gender as a factor in sexual behavior risk reduction. Investigates the impact of roles on communication.
Presents research regarding the perception and integration of body image in a group of gender dysphoric individuals in Rome, Italy.
Transcribes a conversation with Ruth Hubbard on the debate over whether homosexuality is genetic or a learned attribute.
Provides data gleaned from interviews with ten people who reported regret or whose behavior indicated non-successful sex-reassignment.
Offers advice to medical practitioners on the treatment of patients other than monogamous heterosexuals. Includes a glossary of terms.
Offers a list of ways in which technology drives history and social change including the realm of sexuality.
Provides the complete text of Paul Rosenfels's examination of homosexual psychology, published in 1971.
Paper posits ways in which negative attitudes toward sexuality may be broken down and positive attitudes fostered.
Offers an alphabetical list of abstracts of papers presented at the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Assoc. Symposium.
Review a detailed study of the history of celibacy in the Latin rite of the Church. Includes a bibliography.
Describes the revision of the Trueblood Sexual Attitudes Questionnaire, a standard method for measuring attitudes about personal sexual behavior.
Offers a review of the seminal text "Patterns of Sexual Behavior" by Clellan S. Ford and Frank A. Beach.
Reports the findings of a study of 58 men who underwent penile augmentation surgery. Examines physical and psychological effects.
International Journal of Transgenderism offers this article on how science typically assigns notions of gender based on biology alone.
Provides a detailed outline of the contents of the book, including its intended audience and a list of important features.
Outlines studies of sexuality and physical activity among older adults, and calls for more detailed explorations on the topic.
Dissertation by a former Franciscan nun examines the transition from elective asceticism and secular life, including sexuality issues.
Scholarly paper compares the political, social, and sexual attitudes of swingers with the general population in the United States.
View a case study of gender dysphoria as a result of sexual trauma. Presented by the International Journal of Transgenderism.