Examines the Kinsey Report's findings that 10% of the American populace had experienced some form of homosexuality.
Offers an overview of two related reports on research and interventions, courtesy of the US Dept. of Health.
Read an article from the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality on portrayals of homosexuality in film and on television.
Examines a study at the University of Massachusetts on consensual sexual relationships between female undergraduates and University employees.
Examines identity politics in the context of bisexuality. Relates source material such as the Kinsey Report.
Addresses the issue of associating gay rights with a broader civil rights agenda, particularly the civil rights of black Americans.
Access a report on the changing sexual activities of young metropolitan men in the late 20th century. Full text offered in PDF format.
Offers an excerpt from a book by a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.
Article examines the Bible's oft-quoted passages on sexuality, from congenial kissing through the vagaries of sodomy.
Examines notions of masculinity and power in mixed-class relationships, primarily homosexual. Proffers examples from literature.
Paper submitted to the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality investigates sexual attitudes amongst college students.
Examines the emergence of "queer families" in the United States and argues that they are, in fact, a necessary development.
Examines notions of class consciousness as it applies to the history of homosexuality. Link to more articles on gay history.
Examines attitudes surrounding the ban on homosexuals in the military. Quotes many sources.
Examines notions of commodity and sexual fetishism surrounding the American Fraternity member.
Annalee Newitz considers the position of the transgendered individual in American culture. Offers a politically charged viewpoint.
Article examines how transgendered people may place themselves outside the typical female/male dichotomy.
Article examines components of sexual identity that may be separate from genital assignment. From a newsletter for healthcare professionals.
Article examines gender role stereotypes and class based on modes of dress. Article presented by the "Bad Subjects" journal.
Read the contents of Ernest Grafenberg's original study entitled "The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm."
Paper investigates homosexual signifiers in the popular comic book and movie characters of Batman and Robin.
Outlines Leeuwenhoek's identification of sperm cells via microscope in the late 17th century.
Examines the theory of 'cognitive mapping,' the knowledge of the individual's place in the social construct, in this case, sexually.
Examines attitudes toward sexuality in the social sphere. Asks whether sex is an idea or a biological imperative.
Examines the psychosexual components of Clinton's presidency and links his military policies with the president's sexual life.
Addresses issues of humanism, negativity and Marxism in the context of queer theory.
Semiotic Review of Books provides this essay on the construction of time from a queer standpoint. Hocquenghem is discussed.
Examines the controversy over the biologic and social origins of homosexuality, using a study of the hypothalamuses of gay and straight men.
Examines changes in perceptions of sexuality as they are shaped by sexual health and diversity. From "Sexual Health Today."
Offers a review of this text described as an "important tool in current debates." Lists chapters and provides a link for purchase.
Waxes theoretical on the "hyper-sexuality" of performance, using examples of female pop-music performers and references.
Article posits that sex has no intrinsic meaning and examines the impulse for humanity to assign it significance on a variety of grounds.
Offers a detailed review of a book that addresses the sexual problems of men. Includes a link to purchase the book.