Purchase hand-finished recreations of Viking pendants, brooches, buckles, and clasps from Pat Conlin, an artist based in Oregon.
Purchase authentic recreations of Viking leather work, accessories, armor, weapons, and jewelry. Find a schedule of fair appearances.
Learn about this York, England, living-history museum, created from the remains of an ancient city. Get prices, view photos and download sounds.
Maryland nonprofit group maintains and sails two authentic Viking ship replicas. Learn about its upcoming appearances and read ship specs.
Take a workshop from a group of Viking reenactors based in Queensland, Australia. Presents links to period history and literature.
Meet reenactors of the Viking invasions of the British Isles in the 10th and 11th centuries. Includes contact information and meeting dates.
Offers a directory of Viking, Dark Age and pre-Norman reenactment societies worldwide.
Viking reenactor offers advice and extensive bibliographies to assist enthusiasts in creating authentic period costumes.