Listen to the poet reading his own work, read a biography and the texts of several poems, or find links to other poets.
Read about American poet, e.e. cummings, who was best known for his nonconventional style. Find such poems as "Buffalo Bill s," "Little Tree," and "but the other."
From a directory of poetry, find an entry on this modernist master, with a link to an analysis of his poem "anyone lived in a pretty how town."
Read a quick bio and a few FAQs, read the text of three poems, and view a bibliography of the poet's published volumes.
Encyclopedic entry on cummings features a photo and a brief look at his style of poetry.
Includes a biography, anthology of cummings' work, plus a selected bibliography of his poems.
Read this journal created by the e.e. cummings Society. Sample the contents or check out the bibliography.
View his avant-garde typographical layouts. Contains a chronology, a bibliography, and links to other cummings resources.
Features a biographical timeline complete with poems, pictures and letters written by cummings.