Good addition to any aquarium, though some guidelines do need to be followed for it to thrive. Read this profile which offers care details.
Offers a complete look at the compound eye of this Southern Hemisphere arthropod. Includes detailed photos, articles, and species information.
Look up taxonomic and geographic details about this group of small transparent crustaceans.
Overview of these crustaceans provides a physical description, and details on habitat and scientific classification. Find related links.
Provides geographical, habitat, and taxonomic info and mentions two common species.
Text-only resource that takes away some of the mystery surrounding shrimp. Read about their care and diet, breeding, and cleaning abilities.
Useful guide when entertaining the idea of adding shrimp to the home aquarium. Extensive info is provided on the ups and downs of adding them.
Meet the friendly shrimp family. Pictures and quick descriptions are provided for identification.