Offers a photo and a description of this insect from the Calopterygidae family.
Peruse a database of Californian sightings, and view genus and family information. Distribution maps and scientific data are included.
Browse through links to Web pages related to dragonflies and damselflies. Check out records of sightings and view pictures.
Discover proper cataloging techniques for this insect. Features traditional photography and digital scanning ideas.
View photos and collection records by species, and learn about the dragonflies and damselflies of Texas.
Read about dragonfly-mating behavior, laugh at dragonfly humor, and look at pretty photographs.
Read about a dragonfly's life history, and view photographs. Each family is broken down into genus and species.
Offers a list of dragonflies species found in Finland, includes still photographs and action shots.
Offers description of this endangered species. Read about its life history, habitat, distribution, and watch videos of its behavior.
Serves as a place to post news stories and information requests. Includes an email address directory and a meeting form.
Contains a photo of this member of the Ephemeridae family, which lives in rivers and streams.
Project to document Odonata found in the area. Find checklists, identification keys and photos.
General introduction to this order of carnivorous marine-based insects includes links to full length articles and multimedia files.
Provides details on the insect's life cycle, habitat, and taxonomic classification.
Briefly describes the physical attributes of this insect, and provides a photo.
Study of dragonfly and damselfly larvae includes notes on distribution and taxonomy. Find a state species list, a larval key, and a bibliography.