Charles V Riley described and illustrated a selection of the silkmoths found in the US. View the life-history accounts.
Serves as a central reference point for information about this important moth pest for Western corn crops. Includes a pictorial key.
Guide to the biology, control and identification of the gypsy moth. Learn about gypsy moth integrated pest management projects and research.
Provides a fact sheet about Neonympha mitchellii, a moth found primarily in the American Midwest. Click on the "media" tab to view a photo.
Read this detailed description of the cabbage butterfly, the name of the adult butterfly originating from the cabbage worm.
Read this brief description of the physical and behavioral characteristics of this common butterfly with over 40 species.
Learn about the unique characteristics of this species of moth whose larvae feeds on natural fibers such as clothes and carpets.
Provides details about this species of moth that lay their eggs in apple trees and later burrow into the fruit leaving tunnels of feces.
Overview of this insect includes a physical description, and details on its habitat and life cycle. Link to related resources.
Encyclopedia entry on these insects presents details on their behavior, metamorphosis, and scientific classification.
Profile of this insect includes a physical description, and details on its scientific classification.
Read an encyclopedia article about this species of butterfly and find Encarta's links to similar topics and resources.
Describes the distribution, natural history, habitat and behavior of Vanessa cardui.
Describes origin and distribution of the Parnassius apollo. Find out about its conservation and breeding, check out photo gallery.
View color photos of Italian butterfly and beetle specimen, organized by species names. Available in English and Italian.
Offers details about the Saturniid family of moths. Learn about their habitat and diet, check out pictures of caterpillars and adults.