Contains description, habits, and damages associated with aphids, a common sucking garden insect. Find out how to control these insects.
Provides systematics and description of the Collembola families. Find details about their ecology and how to collect and culture them.
Contains description of the biology and ecology of onion thrips. Read about the damage they may cause and find out about methods of control.
Supplies description of physical characteristics and biology of the sawflies. Read about monitoring and control of these insects.
View a photo of this insect, and read about its feeding behaviors.
Offers description of the alderflie's physical characteristics. Learn about their unique qualities, habitat, distribution and diet.
Article on these parasitic insects includes details on their appearance, scientific classification, and helpful uses.
Encyclopedia provides a description of this insect secretion, and details on its production and uses.
Profile of these leaping insects includes details on their appearance, scientific classification, and the diseases they carry.
Encyclopedia entry focuses on the damage the insect can cause to plants.
See an encyclopedia entry describing the physical characteristics of this insect which is related to aphids and cicadas.
Learn about this insect's behavior and physical characteristics and find out why it is named such.
Encyclopedia article discusses the biology of this insect species. Also find links to related topics and resources.
Check an encyclopedia article about the species that make-up water bugs. Also find links to related topics and resources.
Browse a brief encyclopedia article about water striders and find information about accessing Encarta's related premium resources.
Offers description of characteristics, habits, habitat and diet of these insects. View pictures of the life stages of the springtail.
Describes the physical appearance of this member of the Fulgoridae family, and provides a photo.
Presents description of different types of sawflies and the damage they may cause. Find out about how to control them.
Article about these insect that can be found near constructions. Learn about their habits, characteristics and why they are beneficial.
Presents description of physical characteristics, habitat and life cycle of the silverfish. Learn about the damage they may cause and control.
Provides description of physical characteristics and habitat of the springtails. Read about their life cycle and check out interesting facts.
Describes the Corydalidae family, which includes the dobsonflies and fishflies. View picture and read about their special characteristics.
Describes their physical characteristics and ecology. Find out about their taxonomy and browse through related Web pages.