Access details regarding the morphology and biology of European spiders, view photos, and learn about different spider families.
American Museum of Natural History research project provides fact sheet about the members of the Lamponidae family.
Provides information about the American Museum of Natural History's arachnid research projects.
Learn about the spiders and insects that live in the forests of Cornwall, New York. From an American Museum of Natural History research project.
Offers details about the reproductive process of Loxosceles reclusa, a spider found in the southern United States.
Document from the US Geological Survey's Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center offers a list of over 400 spider species found in Manitoba.
Provided by the University of Kentucky, this Web site offers photos and descriptions of various spider species.
Discusses the physiology, behavior and classification of spiders, and describes the different types of spiders.
Provides a photo and a brief description of a pisaurid from Ecuador.
Describes the physical appearance and the feeding and breeding behaviors of Nephila clavipes.
Learn about fossil records, life history, ecology and systematics of this order that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, and horseshoe crabs.
Details the feeding habits of Portia fimbriata, a Southeast Asian spider that eats other spiders.
Presents Persons investigation on behavioral ecology of spiders. Read about chemically-mediated predator-prey interactions and sexual selection.
Find out about the many spiders inhabiting southeast Queensland. With insight into the secret life of the redback spider.
Learn about this class of eight-legged insects that includes spiders, mites, ticks, and scorpions.
Encyclopedia entry describes the physical characteristics of this spider species known for the potentially fatal bite of its grown female.
Provides a brief overview of the characteristics of these small spiders that resemble crabs.
Browse a photo and concise encyclopedia entry describing this spiker-like arachnid recognized by its extra long and slender legs.
Overview of this arachnid includes a physical description, and an explanation of the methods it uses to trap its prey.
Encyclopedia entry provides details on the spider's anatomical structure, feeding and reproductive behavior, and the silk thread it produces.
Gives taxonomic info and describes the two spider species which share the same name.
Read an encyclopedia article about the trap-door spider and find links to information about related topics.
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension document describes spiders common to Nebraska such as the black widow and brown recluse.
Find out how this member of the Araneae family builds its web, and examine the photo.
San Diego Natural History Museum provides a list of Baja California spiders. Also includes a bibliography.
Review a bibliography and list of spiders that inhabit San Diego County. Provided by the San Diego Natural History Museum.
Explore lesson plans about spiders from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
Spider enthusiast provides care guides, feeding and housing tips, and photos.
Explains why spiders should be conserved, offers a bibliography, and discusses legal measures for protecting spiders.
Survey photos and facts about the habitat, biology and biodiversity of spiders in Australia.
Identification guide from the University of California highlights black widow, yellow sac, recluse and hobo spiders.
Provides enthusiasts with over 200 photos of spiders that inhabit Australia. Describes spider anatomy.
Examine photos and fact sheets, and learn about the study of biodiversity as it relates to spiders.
Guide to the study and biology of spiders details the activities and programs offered by the Australian arachnology community.
Presents a comprehensive collection of photographs, links, and species information for spiders of northwest Europe.
Features photos of spiders found in the Dolomite Mountains of northeastern Italy.
Learning exercise for kids offers details about searching for and identifying spiders.
Describes the feeding and reproductive habits of Atrax robustus, a deadly spider found only in Sydney, Australia.
Find photos and descriptions of species. Learn about spider biology, classification, distribution, reproduction, anatomy, venom, and enemies.
Outlines the behavior, physical structure and molting process of tarantulas.
Features photos of common spiders and an overview of spider biology.
Examine bibliographies, or search for data by spider family. Published by the American Museum of Natural History.