Contains an overview of sea-anemone biology, and provides research protocols and a laboratory exercise for students.
Briefly outlines the life cycle and anatomy of sea anemones, and offers a couple of photos.
Contains a picture of the anemonefish and a brief description of its symbiotic relationship with sea anemones.
Elementary school furnishes links to Web sites that contain photos of sea anemones and fact sheets.
Furnishes an abstract from a 1990 paper that discusses anaerobiosis and the regulation of glycolytic enzymes in the Plumose anemone.
Find a description of this stationary, predatory polyp related to the jellyfish. Read about its reproduction behavior and taxonomic grouping.
Profiles the Waratah sea anemone (Actinia tenebrosa) of Australia. Provided by the New South Wales National Parks & Wildlife Service.
Provides details about the physical characteristics of this group of sea anemones. See the large collection of photos.