Provides information about the skeleton and tentacles of hard and soft corals, and discusses the coral's life cycle.
Group of soft corals known as the Pennatulacea includes sea pens, a colony of polyps.
Discover an overview of the life history of tabulate and rugose corals, and learn how anthozoan corals create reefs.
Quiet and calm, sea corals are actually alive and voracious eaters. Read about these soft corals, and see about their aquarium potential.
Provides an introduction to the qualities, habitats, and life cycle of coral. View underwater color photos and links to related news articles.
View David Doubilet's photo of a piece of coral vividly illuminated by ultraviolet light.
Recognizable by its small polyps, this coral type is fragile, and requires a lot of care and attention. Profiles of several types are featured.