Listserver for those wishing to discuss abalone. Peruse subscription details, archives, distribution maps, references, and links.
Shows what an abalone looks like from above and below. Sums up its range and tells in which countries it is primarily farmed.
Reports on research regarding the status of conch populations off of Florida.
Color in the illustration after printing it out and use the text to teach children about this large mollusk.
Browse this encyclopedia entry describing the physical and geographical attributes of the marine snails known as Abalone.
Learn about the basic characteristics of the conch snail. Includes photos and links to related Web resources.
Profile of these gastropods includes details on their appearance, scientific classification, and clinging habits. Link to related resources.
Focuses on Pleuroploca gigantea, known commonly as the horse conch, and reports on the official shells of other coast states.
Fact sheet outlines the life history for this animal found mainly in the Caribbean Sea.
Details the roll of shelled mollusks in the history of human culture.