Organization works to ensure the safe use of pesticides in the state of Maine. Find current events, a list of publications, and news.
Offers info about diseases caused by fungi, viruses, bacteria, nematodes, weeds and pests. From the UC Integrated Pest Management Project.
Located at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, this center offers course descriptions, and outlines its research projects.
University of Kentucky entomology college provides details of pests affecting major crops, with advice on identification and control.
Classify household and structural pests by appearance, damage, or sting. Includes pictures.
Located in Nairobi. Describes pest management research projects, and provides news releases and scientific reports.
Study fact sheets to learn about insect biology and scouting techniques.
Article on these antifungal substances includes details on their uses, and specific agents.
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service provides specific commodity information, news, alerts, market updates, and pest identification help.
Provides a gardening forum, a bookstore, and an classes over the Web. Find a help section for pest or disease questions.
Service laboratory provides specialists from plant pathology, entomology, horticulture, crop science and soil science to perform diagnostics.
Discusses the biology and control of mosquitoes. Find links to FAQ, meeting announcements and research projects.
Outlines the organization's history, and provides a directory of pest control services.
Portland, Oregon, lab specializing in pesticide analysis explains its tests, and posts charts of compounds and a news archive. Request a catalog.
Comprehensive site for the pest control industry with guide to organizations, products, and services.
Get details about integrated pest management education and training programs offered by Rutgers University.
Virginia Tech program uses integrated pest management strategies to control gypsy moth populations from Wisconsin to North Carolina.
Organization of companies aims for enhancement of pest control in the crop production industry. Check out the calendar of events.
Furnishes an identification guide and FAQ about southern pine beetle infestations.
Journal offers newsletters and archives, national and legislative news, market and weather information, and registration details.