False-color image of the star HD 12545, produced using Doppler imaging, reveals the biggest starspot yet observed.
Photograph offered by Astronomy Picture of the Day reveals the young star R Coronae Australis and its dust and gas-filled surroundings.
Find Chandra X-ray Observatory images of the first detected flare from a brown dwarf. The star, LP944-20, was briefly visible at x-ray energies.
1995 image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope reveals evaporating gaseous globules, an early stage in the formation of new stars.
View a photo of Epsilon Eridani, a star similar to the sun with an orbiting planet. Learn how the planet was discovered.
Image from the space-based SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory captures the stars of the Pleiades, four planets and erupting solar plasma.
View a time-lapse movie in infrared light that shows how stars in the central light-year of the Milky Way have moved over the past eight years.
Colorful photograph by Juan Carlos Casado captures the bright star Sirius, the constellation of Orion and Comet Hale-Bopp.
Overlapping X-ray images and spectra from the ASCA satellite observatory reveal the still-expanding blast waves of a supernova from 1006 AD.
View a time exposure of the southern hemisphere night sky in New South Wales, Australia, with the Anglo-Australian Telescope in the foreground.
False-color image combines infrared and visible light images from Hubble of the Trapezium, an open cluster of stars centered in the Orion Nebula.
Chandra X-ray Observatory image of the Vela pulsar, the collapsed stellar core within the Vela supernova remnant.
Three photos from the Hubble Space Telescope shows the progression of the expanding gas bubble coming out of the binary star system XZ Tauri.
Learn about the formation of blue stragglers, visible in this Hubble Space Telescope photo of the globular cluster NGC 6397's center region.
Mosaic photos from the Infrared Space Observatory reveals about 100,000 previously unseen stars of the Milky Way's central regions.
View a movie frame from a numerical simulation of a supergiant star. Provided by B. Freytag of the Institute for Astronomy and Space Physics.
Image of the binary star system BZ Cam captures the large bow-shock created by wind as the system moves through surrounding interstellar gas.
Find a photograph of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope against a sky full of star trails caused by a long time-exposure and the Earth's spin.
Blurry photograph displays the supernova remnant IC443 and, imbedded within it, an object suspected to be a neutron star.
Hubble Space Telescope photograph shows the interplay between the star Merope and a cloud of gas and dust known as IC 349.
View a photograph taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of the actual face of the star Mira. Includes an explanation of the visible features.
Hubble Space Telescope photo of a small region near the center of the globular cluster M4 reveals a large concentration of white dwarf stars.
Scrutinize a time-lapse sequence which reduces atmospheric blurring to reveal a truer image of the star Betelgeuse.
Image from the Chandra Observatory, an orbiting x-ray telescope, reveals Sirius B in all its glory. Learn why it is so faint in visible light.
Presents QuickTime movies of the different stages in the death of a star.
Watch a QuickTime movie which summarizes the formation of a star. See JPEG images of the Orion Nebula.