Advanced Composition Explorer monitors particle streams of solar origin (solar wind) and from other sources. Provides geomagnetic storm warnings.
Learn about experimental design and deployment of this equipment during the Apollo 12 moon mission.
Describes experiments performed by these moon missions, in which sheets of aluminum and platinum foil were used to collect solar wind particles.
Examine a photo taken by the SOHO craft using occulting disks, which shows the Milky Way galaxy, interstellar dust clouds and the solar wind.
February, 1999 article reports on images that point to honeycomb-like magnetic fields called coronal holes as the solar wind's source.
Provides gauges of the wind's velocity, temperature, pressure and density, a ranking of its severity (Active, Disturbed, Quiet), and a forecast.
Explains the causes and composition of this stream of charged particles blowing outwards from the Sun. Discusses its impact on the Earth.
Offers a collection of news articles, images and models, and educational activities dealing with the solar wind and related phenomena.
Explains how the solar cycle, coronal holes and mass ejections contribute to space weather, resulting in geomagnetic storms in our atmosphere.
Describes phenomena associated with the solar wind, including magnetic clouds, co-rotating interactive regions and variations in composition.
Explains the origin, composition and varying velocity of the solar wind, and provides a selection of images and related articles.
Learn about a brief period in May, 1999 when the solar wind dropped dramatically in speed and density. View images and animations of the event.
View graphs of solar wind velocity, density and electron fluence, plotted with daily data from the SOHO spacecraft.
Describes the characteristics of the solar wind plasma, its effects on the Earth and other planets, and the different types of solar wind events.
Explains the composition and properties of the wind, describes the instrumentation used to measure it, and discusses interstellar pick-up ions.
View a magnetic field simulation, predictive charts and actual satellite data from this solar wind event. Compare predictions and observations.
Get today's space weather, or find out what the solar-geophysical forecast is from the Space Environment Center.
Research group studies the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field, and the phenomena it produces.
Presents charts of solar wind speed and dynamic pressure measurements from the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft. Highlights major events.
Experiment seeks precise measurements of fluctuations in the earth's magnetosphere. Read a project overview, plots and data.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Space Research project measures and analyzes solar wind protons and alpha particles. View data.