Radio antennae have been constructed in California and Colorado for detection of ET intelligence. Download its collection of software.
Radio telescope in Ohio discovered the Wow! signal and is the longest SETI project. Read the SETI primer and learn about Big Ear's designer.
Learn about the history of Harvard's search for extraterrestrial intelligence as well as details about its current programs such as Optical SETI.
In addition to an overview of SETI research at Jodrell, find Project Phoenix details, a history of SETI, and a guide to the Drake Equation.
Project of NASA attempts to search for habitable planets. Find technical papers, free educational software, and its scientific overview.
Guide to Project Argus, an ambitious microwave SETI project spearheaded by the SETI League.
Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations is located at UC Berkeley. Details its current status.
Contains details about its sky survey in Australia, the SETI@Home project that networks home computers, and Optical SETI.
Research facility hosts the project, Southern SERENDIP, to scan radio channels. Learn about its public outreach and news items.