Covers aeronautics history and principles and aerospace careers and education, aiming at students from grade 4 through college.
Directory of newsgroups, mailing lists, and astronomy resources. Listings include topic, address, and key words.
Educational game allows the user to play a secret agent for the Dept of Extraterrestrial Phenomena, investigating a series of asteroid cases.
Resource helps kids learn about the planets and the solar system. See real photographs and read scientific facts.
Online topics include, images of the universe in different wavelengths, satellites, constellations, the zodiac, and earthquakes.
Access lesson plans for the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission. Learn about the NEAR spacecraft, instruments and data collection.
California hands-on science museum presents fun astronomy information. Learn about solar astronomy, or build a solar system.
Tool determines what your users' weight would be on other celestial bodies, including Mars, the Moon and the Sun.
Provides an experiment that will help teachers explain the compactness of planetary matter in terms of density.
Study astronomy by reading space science facts and then visiting the space story studio to write about an imaginary planet.
Engaging introduction to space science and astronomy for students and teachers.
Discover lesson aids and teaching resources for aeronautics and astronomy projects at this NASA-sponsored educational archive.
Collection of sources at NASA and affiliated organizations including online games, galleries, teaching material, and experiments.
Billed as an aeronautics and space resource for educators, this site offers educational services, instructional materials and NASA news.
Take a journey in space with the Star Chart. Presents details about the heavens as well as the Hubble Space Telegraph.
Resources for educators and students on NASA's Galileo project which is observing the planet Jupiter and its moons.
Access an introduction to the solar system for children. Includes movies and images of asteroids, comets and the planets.
Introduction to Venus for young children explains why the planet is sometimes called Earth's twin. Includes a second level for older children.
Access the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's free newsletter, designed to help non-science teachers introduce their students to astronomy.