Read the brief description about the group of elements that have radioactive characteristics.
Offers details about the second rarest of elements, radioactive actinium.
Encyclopedic entry discusses the element and its historical discovery. Includes details about its isotopes and decay results.
Element 95, produced by irradiating pure plutonium with neutrons, was discovered in 1944. View a photograph of Americium oxide.
Find a description about the actinide series element and its chemical numbers. Details its uses in nuclear activities.
Provides a detailed description of how ionization chamber smoke detectors use very small amounts of the element Americium.
Learn about element 97, which was named after its place of discovery, the University of California in Berkeley.
Brief encyclopedic overview supplies information about the transuranium element. Discusses properties about its isotopes.
Explains the discovery and properties of this element. Includes a photograph of californium oxychloride.
Brief encyclopedia entry describes the radioactive element's characteristics and isotopes.
Learn about this radioactive element discovered in 1944 and named after Pierre and Marie Curie. Provides a photograph of curium hydroxide.
Discover the properties and isotopes of this element which is named after the Curies by reading this reference guide.
Provides a history of element 99, named after the famed scientist Albert Einstein in 1952.
Element found in the debris of a nuclear detonation and named after Albert Einstein.
Obtain general information about element 100, discovered and named after Enrico Fermi in 1953.
Chemical factsheet for the eighth transuranium element offers periodic table data and a synopsis of its discovery and isolation.
Learn about the last of the metals in the actinide series, discovered in 1961 at the UC Berkeley's Lawrence Radiation Lab.
Learn about the man-made element mendelevium, discovered and named after the periodic table inventor Dmitri Mendeleyev in 1955.
Berkeley Lab and Seaborg Archives present information about mendelevium, the first element to be synthesized and discovered one atom at a time.
Find an overview of this laboratory produced element of unknown properties.
Provides a history of the discovery of element 93 at Berkeley's cyclotron in 1940. Offers a photograph of neptunium dioxide.
Read about the making of this radioactive element in the Berkeley lab's cyclotron in 1958.
Nuclear physicist who built bombs for the US arsenal talks openly about the dangers of plutonium production and atomic terrorism.
Chronicles the discovery and isolation of the element and its role in the Manhattan Project. Details its physical properties and its uses.
Encyclopedia entry describes this transuranium element which plays an important role in the nuclear industry.
Abstract from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory offers a grim estimation of the toxic effects, via air and water, of plutonium to humans.
Peruse a concise definition of this radioactive element, including details on the decay of its isotopes.
Peruse a concise description of this element first created in a laboratory in the 1960s.
Describes the discovery of this radioactive element in 1828. Study the uses of the rare metal as a substitute for uranium.
Oceanographic researchers offer their findings regarding thorium and other radioactive elements in marine samples.
Discover this element's properties and learn where it is found. Find out its practical uses, which include electrical applications.
Features a list of applications for thorium and offers details about government regulations for the element.
US Geological Survey offers statistics and information about the element thorium. Access mineral commodity summaries and mineral yearbooks.
Reade Advanced Materials offers thorium metal for sale and provides a factsheet describing its physical properties and constants.
Introduces a family of elements with atomic numbers greater than uranium. The first 11 are included in the actinide series.
Provides details on the element's properties, its role in the production of nuclear power, and Australia's uranium industry.
Provides a chart that lists all of the decay products of uranium-238 in their order of appearance. Explains alpha radiation and mill tailings.
Uranium Information Centre offers information about the uranium atom, fission, nuclear reactors, and uranium processing from ore to fuel.
Discusses the properties of this radioactive element, identifies its ores and their locations, and explains its civilian and military uses.