Learn about and chat with A.L.I.C.E., a chatterbot and winner of the Turing Test, held yearly. Includes a history of the program.
Check out a visual representation for artificial intelligence created for conversation.
Download and interact with this artificial intelligence program. Sign up for the newsletter to receive updates, and check out the message boards.
Chatbot portal provides multiple resources for finding and downloading artificial intelligence-based applications. Check out a bot FAQ and sign up for the newsletter.
Check out this freeware natural language parser written in Java. Download the program and chat with the artificial intelligence.
Download and install this graphical artificial intelligence chat bot for Windows and discuss UFOs with it.
Find a Web-based artificial intelligence program based on the classic pseudo-psychologist program Eliza.
Imagine chatting with the famous ex-Beatle. Includes descriptions of the code, and prior updates to the program.
Check out a Web-based welcome bot experiment in which the artificial intelligence believes it is its creator.
Artificial intelligence programmers offer a Web-based chat bot based on Jack the Ripper.
Artificial intelligence and chatterbot enthusiast provides a directory of Classic, Complex, Friendly, and Teachable bots.
Download a beta version or place an order for this fully packaged and graphical artificial intelligence chat bot.