Formed by AT&T Bell Laboratories, Digital Equipment Corporation, and MIT to design architectures for and build prototypes of optical networks.
Learn about this optics laboratory, its research areas, publications index, and links.
Profiles the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Group at Ohio State University as well as each faculty member.
Nonprofit organization for the advancement of optics in Australia provides news, research findings, meetings, and conferences.
MIT presents its program in visual studies. Lists artists, projects, current events, and contact information.
Focuses on the interaction of electromagnetic fields with materials and devices in microwave and optical systems.
Find out the effects of color on the mind, body and senses. Find color research, factoids, articles, and links, or check out the bulletin board.
Find details on the faculty, classes, and lab features of this college optics department. Peruse postings on the job center board.
Paper details the first fabrication of a polymer base 2-D diffraction grating using an ion-beam to control index and amplitude modulation.
Meteorology guide provides a basic overview of optics principals. Includes descriptions of ice and water optics.
Learn about the characteristics of optical systems and why achromatism can be achieved only with multiple lenses.
Encyclopedic reference describes the optical term that denotes lens opening. Also contains details about how it is measured.
Learn about the optical device used to surpass the limits of distance. With details of its mechanical structures.
Encyclopedia article details how colors are created by absorption, phosphorescence, and interference. Find out why the sky is blue.
Find out how fiber optics works and the different applications it can have, from medical equipment to communications.
Learn about the refractory properties and uses of the lens in cameras, scopes and corrective eyewear.
Learn about the illusionary images caused by light refracting through air above heated or cooled surfaces.
Defines the physical characteristics and optical effects of polished reflective glass.
General definition describes this field of physics which studies propagation of electromagnetic waves, including X-rays and light.
Provides a brief introduction to the uses and construction of this optical tool.
Describes a phenomenon involving shifts in frequency when light passes through a transparent substance.
Discusses the separation of wavelengths produced when light is passed through a prism.
Group conducting research in holographic memories and other projects offers a tour of its lab and building. Includes contact information.
Professional organization's Washington DC-Baltimore branch offers information on its meetings, bylaws, activities and outreach efforts.
Find links to products, companies, and jobs from a company with a client base in lasers and electro-optics.
Provides an easily understood explanation of optical principles for elementary school children.
Resource for optics, optoelectronics, and photonics specialists offers a searchable archive of research articles, product news, and a job board.
Research, applications and industry news from the Optical Society of America. Includes job listings, online r sum s and links to consultants.
Group discovers, designs, and delivers data-acquisition and processing systems. Read about projects.
Technical trade show in San Jose showcases lasers, biomedical optics, electronic imaging, and optoelectrics.
Provides links to individual and group research projects, conferences, papers, and organizations in the field of quantum and atom optics.
Delivers information of special interest to the quantum optics community in Australasia. Provided by Australian National University.
Read a review of "The Fire Within the Eye" In this book, David Park describes the efforts of science and philosophy to make sense of this phenomenon.
Research facility provides a multidisciplinary environment for the study of optical techniques such as optical fiber sensing and holography.