British folk who find themselves away from home can comfort themselves with food and toiletries from familiar British brands. Order online.
British expatriates can register to access news, information and community resources or comfort themselves by ordering foods from home.
Specializes in quality gourmet food baskets. Choose a preassembled package or create a custom basket from a wide range of British food items.
Gift shop in England offers British gifts, such as teddy bears and board games. Ships to the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States.
Offers architectural models and bookends by Timothy Richards, and the "A nation of Shopkeepers" line by Hazle Ceramics.
UK-based retailer offers gifts, collectibles and souvenirs representing the city of London.
Sited in the UK's Stratford-on-Avon, home at one time to William Shakespeare, this gift shop displays its catalog of adornments and accessories.