Peruse details and contact addresses for this island's history, archives, and societies. Includes alphabetical town and surname lists.
Resource features a map, photos, and links to family research guides and archive collections. View and post messages on the query forum.
Directory features a local history, photos,and links to family research organizations and records. View and post messages on the query forum.
Examine a map and details on this region's history, archives, and family history societies. Includes an alphabetical list of towns and parishes.
Suggestions for genealogical sleuthing include advice about parish and census records, a Welsh lexicon, and a guide to county boundaries.
Monmouthshire group provides branch location info, research services, books and microfiche for sale, event updates, and membership details.
Find a list of vintage regional maps, covering various periods in this area's history. Entries include size, detail, and price information.
Features location info and contact details for the region's university, library, and records office resources. Browse in Welsh or English.
Directory provides links to individual county family history resources, including surname lists, official archives, maps, and history profiles.
Welsh photographer offers gelatin or digital photographs of churches, towns and cemeteries in Wales, as well as free census checks.
Organization offers assistance to people researching their Welsh roots, as well as those whom want to know more about Welsh culture and language.