Italian language site offers a large collections of images by this Renaissance sculptor. Includes collection details.
Locate museums and image archives featuring the work of the renowned Italian Renaissance sculptor.
Contains multiple views of the Italian sculptor's classic statue, intended for a buttress on the Duomo. Compare to Michelangelo's "David."
Read a bio about the early-Renaissance Italian sculptor known for his contrapposto figures. Learn about his three career periods and check links.
Browse through a gallery of sculptures by the Italian Renaissance artist. Includes details about each work.
Read a biographical profile about the Italian Renaissance sculptor, discover his career's three periods, and use links.
Presents short summaries of the Italian Renaissance sculptor's achievements, background, and impact. Includes a bibliography.
Mary Ann Sullivan's Digital Imaging Project presents commentary and multiple views of the sculpture located in a niche at Orsanmichele.
Read a description and analysis of this Padoan stone relief located in St. Antony's Basilica, from a resource on the Shroud of Turin.