Chronicles the settlement of the Canaanites in what is now Lebanon, and details their exportation of tin, ivory, papyrus, and cedar.
Details a stela discovered in Turkey which bears Phoenician script covered over by Greek boundary inscriptions. Offers images.
Details the Phoenicians trading routes on the western Mediterranean, and describes their methods of navigation.
Offers a history of the city in ancient Phoenicia that came under Saracen rule.
Comprehensive guide includes articles on the history and culture of this ancient civilization. With details on archaeological finds.
Features a brief account of the impact of the Phoenician alphabet, and describes it composition of 22 consonants.
Describes the Phoenician deities and their representation in Syrian and Egyptian attire.
Details the ivory work of the Phoenicians and provides examples. Describes their repetition of motifs and employment of decorative patterns.
Details Christ's visit to Phoenicia, and Constantine's letter to the Council at Tyre. Describes the fleeing of Christians to Mt. Lebanon.
Commercial page offers a photograph and background details of a Phoenician zoomorphic pendant, possibly manufactured in Carthage.
Offers an image of a 3,000 year old Phoenician city excavated in Beirut.
Offers an index of Phoenician gods and goddesses and details the rituals by which they were celebrated. Also provides representations.
Recounts the contributions of the Biblical Canaanites, and details the discovery of their pieces in Egyptian tombs.
Comprehensive site recounts the Bronze Age cities of the Phoenicians, the invasion of the Amorites, and the Phoenician's maritime influence.
Offers examples of Phoenician art from their settlements in the Mediterranean basin.
Furnishes a map of the city states of the Phoenicians. Also offers details of their Bronze Age trading routes and lost tin mines.