Feature article by Walter and Cherie Glaser from the Sally's Place project offers handy tips, advice and recommendations for travelers to Dubai.
Start with a map of the region, the weather forecast and the exchange rates, and then look at listings of hotels, restaurants and amusements.
Official Government of Dubai body presents a guide to this United Arab Emirates holiday spot. Provides an opportunity to reserve hotel rooms.
Find links to businesses, vocational institutes, advertisements and tourism-related resources. Check the weather.
South East Asia Tours assists travellers with hotel bookings, visa assistance, airport transfers and city tours in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. View the featured hotel.
Provides reservation services for hotels and tour packages while travelling in the United Arab Emirates. Scan services, UAE travel material and contact details.
Find tourist information, a business directory and Dubai background, presented by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing.
Hotel reservation specialist in Dubai presents a number of beach resorts and town hotels in the United Arab Emirates. View photos and rates and get contact details.
Learn where to stay and eat and what to visit in this city. The "Essential Guides" give a quick overview, and listings provide the details.
Massachusetts adventure travel agent offers vacations, tours, airfare, and hotel reservations in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Thorough guide to entertainment, accommodations, shopping, business, dining and events in the second largest state in the United Arab Emirates.