Read the series of messages about the 1988 C-14 dating of the Shroud of Turin. Learn about the process that was used and possible inaccuracies.
Examine a comprehensive study of C-14 measurements taken from Northern and Southern hemisphere sites from 1962-93 . See data and examples.
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. provides data from samples taken from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. See graphs and explanations.
Offers a resource guide to carbon-14 and other dating tools. Learn about the method, and find articles, links and publications.
Christian guide to contemporary issues discusses C-14 dating, including thoughts on accuracy.
Bristlecone pines are used as an example of radiocarbon dating by this resource. Learn about the method and how it is used by archaeologists.
Article describes the role of physicists in developing artifact dating methods. Learn about radioisotope dating and the use of mass spectrometry.
International journal of radiocarbon and other isotope dating offers online subscription ordering and back issues.
Excerpt from "Nuclear Physics: Past, Present and Future" provides a simple introduction to radioactive dating.
Excerpt from a publication on geologic time discusses the uses and limitations of different radiometric dating techniques.