Presents an overview of stone circles and offers descriptions and photographs of the Derbyshire monuments. Includes links to further resources.
View photographs from across this village and the surrounding area which contains the largest stone circle in the UK.
See photographs of Avebury, Nine Ladies, Druids Temple, Stonehenge, White Moss, and other stone circles located in England.
Scientist discovers megaliths with archaeoastronomical connections to Cassiopeia in northern Italy.
Contains photos, descriptions, and background on all 54 megalithic hunebedden in northern Holland.
Large resource for legends about ancient alters, rune stones, graves, standing stones, megaliths, pictographs, and other monuments from the past.
Contains photos and background on Irish stone circles, standing stones, ogam stones, petroglyphs, and holed stones.
Index of all known stone circles and stone rows in England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Explore an interactive map of megalithic sites.
Provides background on megaliths such as stone circles and cairns throughout the British Isles.
Features a guide to megalithic sites in Ireland with photos and background on each one.
Read about the prehistoric men who built these monuments, find out what they were used for, and see diagrams of what they might have looked like.
Offers background on the stone circle in southern Egypt, with history of settlement in this spot in the southern Sahara.
Provides background on the standing stones of Orkney, along with a collection of resources about the megaliths.
Features a Web ring of sites about stone circles, megaliths, and other ancient sites.
Offers a collection of photos with detailed descriptions of Scotland's ancient stone structures. Includes a regional listing of sites.
Features an introduction and photographs from a book about the megaliths sites of Apulia, Italy.
Covers all aspects of prehistoric archaeology from fringe to mainstream including stone circles and megaliths.