Student presents details on a dissertation that involves archeology and law enforcement. Includes related links.
Encounter a collection of reviewed forensic anthropology research tools. Also includes associations.
Forensic case study attempts to determine the identity of a body thought to belong to the daughter of the Russian Czar Nicholas II.
Access a melange of forensic anthropology resources, including labs, institutes and study guides.
Article first appearing in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin during 1990 discusses the contributions of forensic anthropology.
Examine a brief explanation of forensic anthropology and explore related links. Also find papers that address the subject.
Reference guide details graduate programs in the field of forensic anthropology. Link to schools.
Browse a collection of links that concern forensic anthropology, paleopathology and physical anthropology.
Learn about BARFAA's objectives, find out about its next meeting and inquire about joining.
Browse a compilation of resources that involve the field of forensic anthropology. Send questions to an anthropology professor.
Lecture notes from a class at the University of Florida touch on taphonomy, environmental factors and mass fatalities.
Investigate paleopathology developments in South Dakota or link to local anthropology departments.
Download a skeleton that was created for a forensic anthropology class at the University of New England.
Discover a wealth of forensic resources that involve anthropology. Find academic departments, study aids and associations.