Presents articles about this endangered ape, threats to his survival and conservation actions. Check out photos and video.
Comprehensive resource offers basic biological facts about these mammals, an organization profile, news reports, and membership details.
Learn how to participate in a project to find out which plants are used by orangutans for parasites. View details, schedule and costs.
Learn about the social behavior, diet and physical traits of this primate found only in Southeast Asia.
March, 2001 article reports on how political and economic instability in Indonesia is driving the orangutan towards extinction.
View Tim Laman's photo of a male orangutan at home in Indonesia's Gunung Palung National Park. Save the image as wallpaper, if desired.
Offers articles about orangutans intelligence and use of tools, includes photographs and resources. Learn about efforts to save these primates.
Profile identifies the anatomical adaptation and distinguishing behaviors of this ape. Includes Pongo pygmaeus picture.
Locate data on this ape's geographic range, conservation status and life cycles. Includes population estimates.
Orangutan picture accompanies a description of the ape's physical traits, ecological niche and geographical range.
Zoo fact sheet details the orangutan's anatomical adaptations, diet and reproduction strategy. Also find a picture.
Pictures of a captive orangutan accompany a description of its diet, behavior and geographical range. Find a primate quiz.
Pongo pygmaeus profile contains facts about the primate's locomotion, anatomy and diet. Includes photos.
Discover the orangutan's threat category and population by reviewing this fact sheet from the World Conservation Monitoring Center.
Question and answer forum called Animal Behavior Concerns & Solutions offers advice on introducing orangutans into an exhibit.
Presents orangutans distribution and threats to their survival. Read articles and learn about rehabilitation locations and sanctuaries.
Author of "Among the Orangutans" presents excerpts of the biography about scientist Birute Galdikas, a leading authority on the orangutans.
Educational guide to the orangutans of Malaysia and Indonesia includes a poem, and facts about the importance of wildlife preservation.
Author Peter Lamborn Wilson presents an essay about a unique female orangutan named Nonja, an expressionistic painter at the Vienna zoo.
Describes its efforts to rescue endangered orangutans from hunting and habitat destruction. Includes photos and a map.
Exhibits photo gallery about the New Orleans Zoo's orangutans, taken by photographer Philip Greenspun.
Become familiar with the anatomical adaptations and ecological niche of Pongo pygmaeus abelii through this zoo profile.