Discover archaeological contract firms in need of field and laboratory technicians at this index. Includes application recommendations.
Discover careers in anthropology and learn how to obtain them through the resources provided by this index. Includes listings and advice.
University offers advice about obtaining a career in anthropology. Includes tips on finding non-teaching anthropology jobs.
Portland State University links to professional associations and job search information for anthropology majors.
Gather facts about careers in anthropology, try out a placement service or advertise a position with the American Anthropological Association.
Physical and biological anthropologists can search for jobs at these listings. Also view graduate programs in the field.
Article from the "Chronicle of Higher Education" discusses the demand for anthropologists in Universities and other institutions.
Find several types of postdoctoral fellowships in anthropological subjects. Includes fellowships from specific institutions.
Become informed on possible careers in anthropology at the University of Louisville's career center. Includes advice on graduate school.
Anthropologists and other social scientists will find job listings in the private sector, government and academia at this resource.