Organization works to promote, protect and revitalize small towns in England. Read publications or the schedule of upcoming events.
Chapter of Architects / Designers / Planners for Social Responsibility provides news and articles about urban issues in California.
Encourages debate through its research, publications and conferences. Focuses on governance, environment, housing and urban intensification.
Group at Rutgers University examines issues such as community development, housing, and land use. Read reports and policy recommendations.
Organization examines how metropolitan regions function socially and economically. Read columns by founder Neal Peirce.
Research group studies such topics as planning, literature and religion in an urban context. Order publications or read the text of lectures.
Group at Univ. College London studies urban devpt and planning in developing countries. Read about its consulting services and academic programs.
Aims to bring public, business and nonprofit interests into civic partnerships to create diverse, livable urban communities.
Originally called the Garden Cities and Town Planning Assoc., the group was founded by Ebenezer Howard. Learn about its activities and pubs.
Facility at the University at Albany performs comparative and historical research on city planning.
Research center at this Boston university examines issues of urban and regional planning. Learn about projects in Massachusetts and beyond.
Learn about this organization dedicated to bringing developing countries needed services, like water, sanitation, and energy.
Also known as SPUR, this institute studies issues of urban policy in San Francisco. Find the full text of several reports.
Project of the San Francisco State University to develop strategies and programs to address economic, social and educational issues.
Academic group at New York University undertakes research on urban issues. Read articles and learn about academic programs.
Center for Housing and Urban Development does research and outreach in Texas. Find articles and an extensive bibliography on devpt. issues.
Center researches urban public policy issues in the United Kingdom. Find out about academic programs and research projects.
Group sponsors and encourages interdisciplinary research on cities and communities in Canada and elsewhere. Provides report abstracts.
Professional organization for those involved in urban issues publishes a journal and supports research. Learn who can become a member.
Center sponsors outreach in Michigan community as well as research projects. Details on current and past programs are provided.