Scan a female physician's description of an episiotomy, including estimates on the percentage of birthing mothers that will need one.
Browse through comments and suggestions from mothers on episiotomies. Some individuals include contact information.
Peruse the benefits and risks of episiotomy, as determined by a review of medical literature since 1980 on the matter.
Find a description of episiotomy, the official rationale for the procedure, and an overview of the physiological effects and ritual purposes.
Homebirth midwife gives advice to expectant mothers on how to cope with fears about episiotomy or tearing.
Guide to the med. lit. on episiotomy sums up the significant points, concluding that the procedure is inadvisable. Find references and abstracts.
Dr. Peter Weiss presents the arguments used for and against episiotomy, an incision made to enlarge the vaginal opening during delivery.
Birthing handbook gives tips on avoiding episiotomy and tears. Learn about prenatal preparation, birth chairs, and anti-tearing techniques.
Read through a message thread discussing ways to avoid episiotomy. Includes responses from a physician.
Peruse the details of this study, which found that episiotomy should only be used for specified fetal-maternal indications.