Provides an overview of research on co-sleeping, along with some of the benefits of this arrangement.
Offers suggestions for parents on techniques to wean babies from nursing at night.
Contains an overview for parents of safe crib and co-sleeping practices.
Audiotapes are designed to lull babies to sleep through traditional lullabies and rhythmic drumbeats. Listen to music samples.
Link to articles sharing age-specific advice on a variety of sleep issues including naps, night waking and feeding.
Commercial site offers links to books and tapes that those with sleepless infants may find useful. Link to a discussion group.
Author of guides for parents offers sleep plans for babies according to age, as well as information on sleep deprivation for weary parents.
Install QuickTime and preview the video of controlled comforting techniques for babies who struggle to fall asleep alone. Place an order.
Guide offers advice on where and how long babies sleep at this age as well as strategies for putting them to bed without hassle.
Purchase a videotape for new and expectant parents on infant sleep problems, sleep training, and "co-sleeping."