'Renewal' organization within the United Methodist Church is urging it to greater biblical faithfulness and to its Wesleyan heritage.
Read about international, national and local actions. Find a message board, events, action alerts and networks to join.
Organization works to increase membership in the United Methodist church. Read a group history.
UMC-affliated organization spotlights its ministry projects, its mission statement and its fund-raising efforts. Access a chat room.
Encourages service projects organized by male members of the United Methodist church.
Worshipers may want to access this UMC board's departments and services directory, as well as its staff contact list.
Movement of Methodists committed to "praying always." An events calendar and a list of books are offered.
Multimedia organization's goal is to promote "a positive view of the United Methodist Church." Read about its services and find contact details.
UMC-affiliated operation posts its mission statement, hosts daily and weekly church-related news updates, and provides its contact details.
Organization presents news and contacts, plus links to women in mission, membership, special studies and programs, and finance.
First United Methodist Church of Clearwater, Fla., offers a "central, safe place for Christian youth to gather on the Internet."