Developed jointly by Chinese and Japanese interests, this hotel caters to academic and business travelers. Make an inquiry by email.
Located 13 km from downtown near the Asian Games Village, this 161-room hotel provides photographs of its facilities and a reservation form.
Describes the meeting, dining, and leisure facilities at this historic hotel catering to foreign guests. Offers photos, rates, and reservations.
Offers details such as the location, services, room rates, business and recreational facilities, and dining and entertainment.
Read about the hotel's location and its facilities, browse a list of room rates, and arrange a stay using a reservation form.
Vast complex in the Asian Games Village offers 1,259 rooms, six restaurants, and two karaoke rooms. View the facilities, and make a reservation.
View a map of the hotel's location, and learn about its dining, business, and entertainment facilities. Schedule a stay with an electronic form.
Caters to business travelers with 36 office rooms in addition to 250 guest rooms and 36 apartments. Located near the Beijing Zoo.
Discover this 101-room hotel's business, dining, and entertainment facilities, find out rates for different rooms, and make a reservation.
Profiles the accommodations, reservations, recreation, hotel and local dining and entertainment options, and facilities.
Photos of the facilities are accompanied by a profile of services and a list of room rates. Make a reservation with an electronic form.