Enjoy the food of France's Alsace region at home. Find recipes for appetizers, main dishes and desserts.
Caters to large groups. Peruse the fixed price menus or contact the restaurant to create a personalized menu.
Peruse the menu of this restaurant located just outside of Strasbourg in the village of Pfulgriesheim. Make a reservation.
Flam's restaurants are in several French cities including Strasbourg, Paris and Lyon. Read an online menu and make a reservation.
Discover the history of this gingerbread bakery located in Strasbourg. Find out the address and phone number.
Discover what savory chocolates and pastries this store offers. The store has locations in several towns, including Strasbourg.
Strasbourg restaurant that serves up a menu of traditional Alsatian cuisine and specialities. Menus are provided.
Check out the menu of this brewery and restaurant. Request a brochure.
Check out the menu of this restaurant that features eastern European cuisine. Fill out a reservation form.
Contains a list of restaurants in Strasbourg grouped by location. Find addresses and phone numbers.