Book accommodations at bed-and-breakfasts and small hotels throughout the country. Includes a map and assistance in many languages.
Review a list of amenities, services, restaurant menus and prices for seven hotels in Copenhagen. Includes a reservation form.
Select a city or hotel in the database and learn about the facilities, prices and locations. Has reservation details and tourist information.
Hotel-management company offers accommodations in Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Find a conference center or make a reservation.
Find vacation rentals and holiday homes in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Check out last-minute rental bargains and make a reservation.
Comprehensive directory allows users to search for hotels by region. Includes ratings, locations and links to each facility.
English-language directory of independent hotels and hotel chains throughout Denmark. Hotels are organized by location and rating.
Chain provides conference rooms and leisure activities at its hotels throughout Scandinavia. Search the map for locations and facilities.