Take a tour of the neighborhood, look through the list of amenities and make a reservation. Includes banquet and fitness facilities.
Many of the 68 hotel rooms include kitchen facilities. Look through the photo collection and browse the price list.
Helps travelers on a tight budget locate and make reservations at hostels throughout Norway. Also includes trip suggestions and guidebooks.
Family-operated hotel is located in downtown Oslo. Includes a rate list and photographs of the hotel and the surrounding neighborhood.
Look through a list of the hotel's amenities and view one of the bedrooms. Includes a locator map and offers online reservations.
Check out this directory of hotels in Oslo. Includes rates, location information, and photos and allows users to make reservations.
Built in 1916, this 80-room hotel provides a list of amenities and a collection of photographs. Includes contact information.
Offers tennis courts and a private beach. Take a look at the guest rooms and view the fitness center.
Take a tour of the hotel and see the sights of the surrounding neighborhood. This 185-room hotel offers eight conference rooms and a restaurant.