Go here to find a collection of maps and links to the government of the Nordic country of Sweden. Includes geographical data.
Guide to travel in Sweden includes international reservations, but is in Swedish only.
Select an area on the interactive map, zoom in or out to see its geographic position, and explore the areas.
Railway line which runs through 600 miles of Swedish wilderness. Offers a detailed map, background details, basic facts and news for tourists.
Automatically translates Swedish words into English. Consult the guide to substituting simple characters for accents.
Read a profile of this Swedish island and port located in the Baltic Sea.
Obtain particulars about the eastern Scandinavian nation's history, culture, economy, government, size, and landscape.
TV host and author of the guidebook "Europe Through the Back Door" presents a useful collection of scripts, tips, advice and travel articles.
Operates ferries between Norway and Sweden. Features online ticket reservations, schedules and fare prices, all in Norwegian only.
German ferry line offers services to Sweden and Denmark. Includes a route map and fare details in English or German.
Find points of interest around Sweden, along with hotels, shops, and restaurants.
Covers business, community, travel, culture, news, and sports in the Scandinavian nation.
Obtain current weather conditions and extended climate forecasts for towns and cities throughout Sweden.