Comprehensive travel guide to Machu Picchu includes a detailed description of the area, photos and a list of tour operators.
Collection of FAQs and personal recollections on traveling to the renowned ruins. Locate additional resources on the area.
Locate tour operators and adventure travel companies, newsgroups, and a historical overview of the Incan civilization.
Take a photographic tour of this fortress city of the ancient Incas located in a high saddle between two peaks near Cuzco, Peru.
Describes a colorful journey to the heart of the Incan empire in the Peruvian Andes, Machu Picchu.
Presents pictures and a brief overview of this ancient city once inhabited by the Inca peoples.
Offers descriptions and photographs of the main archeological sites and ruins along the trail.
Complete a photo tour of the area, with descriptions of the geographic sites and ruins found along the way.