View a color, country-specific map of Africa and click on countries from Egypt to Uganda for information about making car reservations.
Peruse a simple request form to specify rental dates, pick-up locations, dates of use and provide email for a rate quote.
Offers discount rates on rental cars in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Lesotho. The rates include unlimited mileage.
Rent or purchase vehicles with a buy-back guarantee for long or short periods. Offers cars, 4WDs, and campers with delivery/collection throughout Southern Africa.
Rent a car while traveling in South Africa. View rates and specials, and find out what's included.
Peruse a pull-down, alphabetical listing of more than 50 countries in Africa with direct access to local car rental reservations.
Provides location information, view of vehicles, rate quotes and reservations in French and English.
Presents cars, jeeps and motorhomes for rent in traveling about the country. Make contact for reservation details.