Provides an explanation of the history of the dead pidgin language from the Mediterranean and an alphabetical dictionary.
Virtual dictionary alphabetically lists Romany words along with their English synonyms or translations. Includes word origins.
Language site provides links to Bengali dictionaries, online lesson plans, historical overviews and related fonts and software.
Dictionary will translate from English to Hindi or vice versa with the click of a mouse.
Check out a vocabulary list, pronunciation guide, brief grammatical overview and list of useful phrases created for travelers to Slovenia.
Browse this index of Kurdish translations and definitions of commonly used English words organized alphabetically in English.
Look up Haitian Creole words and phrases to find English translations, definitions and synonyms, or vice versa. Find other Creole resources, too.
Online dictionary provides pronunciation guides, translation services and a list of Algerian Dardja terms with their English equivalents.
Language service teaches English speakers commonly used words and phrases, organized by categories such as time and weather.
Language guide provides a general vocabulary list of useful words as well as links to Slovenian country resources and maps.
Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies provides synonyms in Tamil for English words and vice versa.
Web-based dictionary and translation service for English speakers learning Bengali. Browse related links.