Chapter based in southern Louisiana features its goals, mission statement, and history. Lists membership benefits and meeting dates.
Michigan chapter of the Soc. for Human Resources Mgt. presents its by-laws, a calendar of events, news, meeting minutes, and a membership form.
Soc. for Human Resource Mgt. chapter based in Jackson, Miss., features conference updates and the Mississippi State University student chapter.
Chapter serving the Baltimore area in Maryland presents upcoming events, a list of officers, committee responsibilities, and a newsletter.
Soc. for Human Resource Mgt. chapter based in Columbus, Miss., provides updates on meetings, conferences, and workshops.
Michigan affiliate of the Society features scholarships for members and high school seniors, newsletters, job postings, and a calendar of events.
Louisiana chapter features monthly newsletters, describes committee responsibilities, provides a calendar of events, and lists officers.
Organization based in Grand Rapids, Mich., highlights upcoming conferences, lists officers, and provides a calendar of events.
Organization serving the Kansas-Missouri metropolitan area features legislative news, job postings, and a newsletter with HR quizzes.
Missouri chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management features a seminar schedule, job postings, and committee activities.
Organization based in Lansing, Mich., features company postings of jobs for HR professionals, a calendar of events, and an officer directory.
Detroit chapter of the Soc. for Human Resources Mgt. features a job bank for HR professionals, a calendar of events, and membership requirements.
Presents a schedule of monthly meetings, features committees and their activities, and lists the benefits of membership in this organization.
Lists benefits for members, posts jobs for HR practitioners, and provides info on professional development and certification opportunities.
Michigan chapter of the Soc. for Human Resource Mgt. describes benefits for members, lists the officers, and provides a guide to the meetings.
Society serving the West Michigan area provides an overview and highlights a scholarship for students pursuing a career in human resources.
Organization based in Massachusetts profiles its officers, features professional development opportunities, and presents the president's message.
Massachusetts affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Mgt features professional development programs, an events calendar, and a job hotline.
Organization of HR professionals in Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis., presents a calendar of events, features newsletters, and lists officers.
Maryland chapter provides meeting updates, a membership application form, and links to HR resources.
Presents a history of the Maryland chapter, lists volunteer opportunities, and provides a calendar of events with topic information.
Chapter serving Anne Arundel County in Maryland provides a calendar of meetings and updates on state legislation affecting HR professionals.
Chapter based in Monroe, La., features an archive of monthly newsletters, an event schedule, and a directory of committee chairs.
Find a list of officers of this organization based in Jackson, Mich. See an events calendar and browse the legislative updates in the newsletter.
Soc. for Human Resource Mgt. chapter serving southwest Missouri presents a calendar of events and highlights an award of excellence for members.
Organization based in Apple Valley, Minn., lists membership benefits, presents workshop overviews, and provides resources on HR issues.